Platform centralising
test data needs

Generate and manage test data
in any distributed architecture

Sixpack: Synthetic test data platform

Secure test data is always ready in your systems. Focus only on testing,
while Sixpack handles the lifecycle including pre-generation and cleanup.

Test data with Sixpack

Sixpack is a test data platform designed to simplify and automate the generation and management of test data for modern distributed systems. It pre-generates realistic, synthetic data that mimics the properties of real data, ensuring privacy and efficiency without the need to use sensitive production data.

It orchestrates the lifecycle of test data, including generation, provisioning, and cleanup, making the process seamless and sustainable. Testers focus only on testing process with immediate access to test data through a self-service portal or API, thus supporting continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) processes.

Test data upfront provisioning

Generating test data is a tiny challenge compared to delivering it to the systems under test (test data provisioning). Sixpack allows each team to focus only on their domain of expertise (system maintained) while anybody can obtain complex test data involving orchestrated interaction with multiple systems.

The orchestration replicates the correct business process. Expected flakiness of the process on test environments is overcome by retry mechanisms combined with predictive pre-generation of test data upfront of their need, all fully seamless to users.

Test data as service

Instead of testers reverse-engineering databases and struggling with data consistency, they focus on data specifications. The process of getting data into applications is fully automated by the developers maintaining them.

Sixpack test data platform simplifies the process. Developers code data generation, insertion, and cleanup tasks; Sixpack handles the rest. Testers use a self-service portal to access and configure test data for their automated tests.

Test data as a service is the only sustainable way to manage test data in modern distributed systems. Copying databases from production was always a pain because data protection, with SaaS and microservices it is now technically impossible.

Václav (Sixpack CEO)

Synthetic test data

Synthetic test data is artificial but has the same properties as real data. Some data is used during testing, while other data needs to be pre-loaded into the systems being tested. Created with algorithms to ensure variety and complexity, it is much better than expensive data anonymization. Here are the key benefits:

Privacy security

Test without the fear of data breaches. Synthetic data contains no sensitive information, it's only made up to look real, so even if it leaks, there's no risk of exposing the actual data.

Instant acces

Data are always ready in your systems. Sixpack pre-generates synthetic data and provisions it to systems to save you time. After testing Sixpack also handles data cleanup.


Generate as much synthetic datasets as needed. Synthetic data can be produced in large volumes, offering extensive testing opportunities. Each dataset is assigned to one tester.

Test data management

Test data provisioning

Once plausible synthetic test data is created, the challenge is to deliver it consistently to systems under test. Sixpack solves this by precisely inserting test data according to the correct business process.

Test data orchestration

Some datasets cover multiple systems. Sixpack provisions each dataset part to the correct system. Our SDK supports various languages, allowing you to write flows in your native language to achieve this efficiently.

Test data lifecycle management

Sixpack pre-provisions test data in systems, so it's ready when testers need it. It also automatically cleans up used test data, ensuring each test gets fresh, unique data without overloading the test environment.

Interesting metrics for your business


Tester's time saved

50 MDs

Avoided yearly (data-refresh)

0 months

Learning curve


Self-service for all

Test data self-service portal

Users get test data irrespective of their domain knowledge in a similar way as placing an e-shop order.

Generated data

Generate synthetic test data

Data can be generated and inserted into applications using custom logic based on specific inputs.

Data in advance

Just in time test data

Data is prepared and provisioned in advance, ensuring testers can access it instantly whenever needed.

Pooled data

Test data as service

Precious and limited data can be pooled and allocated to testers dynamically for a defined lease time.

Synchronised data

Synthetic test data management

Non-sensitive reference data can be synchronised between environments.



Sixpack fully configures itself dynamically, no effort required for its maintenance.

Lean and future proof

Cloud native

Test data as service

Sixpack overcomes challenges of SaaS and PaaS, where direct access to the persistence layer is not possible or discouraged.

Decentralised logic


Decentralizing the creation of test data business logic, Sixpack empowers application maintainers to take control.

Easy adoption

Easy adoprion

Implementing Sixpack is engineered to be low-risk and progressive, eliminating the need for extensive projects.

Test data management with Sixpack


Code scripts

Development teams create small scripts that generate and insert test data into your systems upon requests received. They can use their preferred way and programming language and use Sixpack SDK to seamlessly integrate to the platform.


Browse catalogue

Sixpack automatically creates an e-shop-like portal that contains all available test data and other data management features. This way, the tester can get the data he has selected at one click.


Select dataset

Testers can obtain pre-generated test data at one click whenever needed. In the exceptional case that such data is not ready, simply order it.


Get refilled

Sixpack automatically creates and adds new data to the system being tested so that new data is available whenever the you need it.


Automate all

Automated tests can also simply obtain pre-generated test data through the provided test data API or SDK.

Step-by-step guide

Tip: Visit our documentation for more detailed info

Trusted by

Peter. K

Platform engineer at Undisclosed

Initially we had to wait until one test is finished and reuse data the next one. Also we were not able to run destructive tests. Sixpack was the missing part to allow to fully parallelise tests and go with fully automated pipelines so at the end we were lucky to be part of the early adopter program.

Marco Conti

Test automation lead at BFF

We already had some scripts for out test data but testers had to run them on the console. With Sixpack the UI comes automatically without any additional effort and data is prepared in advance which is a big game changer for all our teams!

Our team

Sixpack: Václav Brož

Václav Brož

Product owner
Sixpack: Viktória Fričová

Viktória Fričová

Business manager
Sixpack: Matěj Frnka

Matěj Frnka

Software engineer
Sixpack: Alžběta Klonfarová

Alžběta Klonfarová

Marketing specialist


What test data management features are included?
How is data inserted in the systems under test?
Does Sixpack offer some predefined generators?
Why do we need generators, why cannot Sixpack directly insert data into test databases?
What kind of UI automation does Sixpack support?
Why do we need Sixpack then?
Does Sixpack need to analyse the production data?
What is the autoconfiguration feature?
How can Sixpack offer test data immediately?
How is test data delivered to testers?
What happens if test data are not available?
What happens if generators are not live or are malfunctioning?
How to reserve test data for each tester or each automated test?
Does Sixpack have access to our infrastructure?
Can be Sixpack deployed to our infrastructure?
What is the pricing of Sixpack?
Who is behind Sixpack?