How to test data with Sixpack

test data management
test data automation
Synthetic test data platform
Generate synthetic test data
Test data anonymization alternatives
July 22, 2024 , 6 min read
Test Data with Sixpack

In today's fast-paced technological landscape, efficient test data management is crucial. Introducing Sixpack - a synthetic test data platform that simplifies and automates the test data process, saving time and boosting efficiency. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Sixpack to streamline your test data management and explore self-service test data:

1. Code scripts

Development teams start by creating small scripts that generate synthetic test data and insert it into your systems. These scripts can be written in any preferred programming language and can use the Sixpack SDK for seamless integration with the platform. This flexibility allows developers to work in the environment they’re most comfortable with while leveraging the power of Sixpack and its synthetic test data management capabilities.

2. Browse the catalogue

Sixpack automatically creates an e-shop-like portal that lists all available test data and other data management features. This user-friendly interface, or test data self-service portal, allows testers to easily browse through the catalogue and select the data they need. This feature highlights the ease of accessing self-service test data through the platform, enhancing test data management with convenience.

3. Select a dataset

Whenever testers need test data, they can obtain pre-generated datasets with a single click. In the rare case that the required data is not already available, testers can place an order for it. This ensures that the necessary test data is always within reach, reducing delays and improving productivity. By utilizing a synthetic test data platform, you can avoid the limitations of traditional data management and consider test data anonymization alternatives or test data masking alternatives for enhanced privacy.

4. Get refilled

Sixpack continuously monitors the system being tested and automatically generates synthetic test data and adds new data as needed. This means that fresh data is always available, eliminating the need for manual data creation and ensuring that the test environment is always up-to-date with the latest data. By integrating test data anonymization alternatives and leveraging synthetic test data management, you can further safeguard sensitive information during testing.

5. Automate everything

For automated testing scenarios, Sixpack provides a test data API or SDK that allows automated tests to easily obtain pre-generated test data. This integration ensures that automated tests run smoothly and consistently, with access to the data they need without any manual intervention. Leveraging a synthetic test data platform enhances the automation of your testing processes and improves overall test data management.

6. Explore additional options

Sixpack also offers features such as test data as service and test data as code. This means you can manage and access test data in real-time, according to your needs. Using these options, you can take advantage of just-in-time test data, ensuring that you have the most relevant data for your testing scenarios. This flexibility is crucial for maintaining efficient and effective testing processes.

By following these steps, you can use Sixpack to improve your test data management, making it less time-consuming and more efficient. This platform simplifies the process by offering self-service test data and synthetic test data solutions, along with test data as service and test data as code options.